Cancer Fighting Foods
Choose natural cancer fighting foods as your time tested ally. Once a folk medicine remedy can be explained, then it pole vaults into the higher-ranking category of modern medicine. Most people don’t need to understand how fire works in order to fully harness its energy.
Vinegar, Garlic & Honey as Cancer Fighting Foods
The same goes for the super foods of vinegar, garlic, and honey; we do not need to fully understand how they help. We can capitalize on their amazing healing properties while scientists continue to better understand the healing properties of our food supply.
There is a growing list of folk medicine cures that have “graduated” to become modern medicine cures. Rauwolfia is an extract of the snakeroot plant, was used for centuries in the Far East for its tranquilizing effect. It is now prescribed by physicians to lower blood pressure. Reserpine, derived from rauwolfia, has been used by psychiatrists in treating severe mental disorders.

Additional Benefits of Cancer Fighting Foods
For centuries foxglove was brewed by Indians to treat dropsy, which is a fluid accumulation in the legs caused by heart problems. Foxglove contributes the active ingredient, digitalis, which is now used as a prescription drug to stimulate weakened hearts. For centuries, a “poultice of bread mold,” was applied to wounds to prevent infection Penicillin was the active ingredient in bread mold. White willow bark contains aspirin and was used for centuries to treat aches and fevers, but was relegated to “folk medicine” status until a scientist received a Nobel prize outlining how aspirin affects prostaglandins in the body.
“Nature alone cures, and what nursing has to do is put the patient in the best condition for Nature to act upon him.” Florence Nightingale, founder of modern nursing, 1900
Low-Cost, Non-Toxic Cancer Fighting Foods
For centuries, garlic, honey, and vinegar have been mainstays in folk medicine to treat a wide assortment of ailments. The fact that we cannot fully explain how they work does not reduce their effectiveness. A substance does not stay in the folk medicine arsenal for centuries simply because of the “placebo effect”, or belief in its action. Garlic, honey, and vinegar work. We can’t always explain how they work, but their low-cost, non-toxic track record, and wide availability should allow many readers to experience for themselves the healing power of these superfoods from Nature’s pharmacy.
How Obesity is Linked to Cancer Risk
Foods that Prevent Cancer
While the superfoods of garlic vinegar, and honey should be consumed often, these foods do not represent a complete balanced diet. You need many other foods to create that complex puzzle that will keep you fit and energetic for the better part of a century! This section is designed to be a brief summary of the thousands of nutrition books available., You need to learn good judgment to choose the right foods to complement your superfoods of garlic, vinegar, and honey.
When sailing instructors teach you how to sail, they cannot show you around the world. They show you how to use the instruments of navigation—as extant, compass and map–and hope you can fare well on your own. So, too, I cannot follow you around for the rest of your life and make nutritional decisions for you. But I can condense the volumes of nutrition information into several easy-to-follow rules that become your navigation instruments in choosing the right foods.
I have tried giving patients a detailed 2 week food intake program. By day 2, this patient is out of some food, then eats with a friend at a restaurant, then has dinner with the cousins–all of which throws the patient off their diet without any idea of knowing how to “wing it” or improvise.
Choose Natural Cancer Fighting Foods
The Kiss (keep it simple student) method of optimal nutrition
Eat foods in as close to their natural state as possible. Refining food often adds questionable agents (like food additives, salt, sugar and fat), removes valuable nutrients (like vitamins, minerals, and fiber) and always raises the cost of the food. We are only beginning to fully appreciate the elegant symphony of nutrients available in whole foods.
To naively and arrogantly believe that we can tamper with this time-tested formula and improve on it is just plain foolish. Therefore, shop the perimeter aisles of the grocery store, where you will find fresh vegetables and fruit, poultry, dairy, fish, meat, and bread.
If you venture into the “deep dark interior” of the grocery store, then the quality of the food goes way down and the price goes way up.

Add Variety to a Cancer Fighting Diet
Eat a wide variety of foods. By not focusing on any particular food, you can obtain nutrients that may be essential but are poorly understood while also avoiding a build-up of any substance that could create food allergies or toxicities.
Avoid problem foods.
Minimize your intake of unhealthy foods, which are high in fat, salt sugar, cholesterol, caffeine, alcohol, processed lunch meats and most additives.
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Maximize your intake of life-giving foods, including fresh vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fruit, low fat meat (turkey, fish, chicken) and clean water. Low fat dairy products, especially yogurt, can be valuable if you do not have milk allergies or lactose intolerance.
Monitor Your Weight
Monitor your quality of weight, rather than quantity of weight.
Balance your calorie intake with expenditure so that your percentage of body fat is reasonable. Pinch the skin fold just above the hipbone. If this skin is more than an inch in thickness, then you may need to begin rational efforts to lose weight. Obesity is a major factor in cancer. Your quantity of weight is not nearly as crucial as your quality of weight. Of all the controversies the plague the nutrition field, one issue that all nutritionists will agree on is to eat less fat in your diet and store less fat in your body.
Protein in a Cancer Fighting Diet
Take in about 1 gram of protein for each kilogram of body weight. Example: 150-pound patient. Divide 150 pounds· by 2.2 to find 68 kilograms, yields 68 grams of protein daily is needed to regenerate a healthy body.
Use Supplements
Use supplements in addition to, rather than instead of good food. Get your nutrients with a fork and spoon. Do not place undue reliance on pills and powders to provide optimal nourishment. Supplements providing micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) cannot reverse the major influence of foods providing macro: nutrients (carbohydrate, fat, protein, fiber, water).
If a food will not rot or sprout, then do not buy it or throw it out. Your body cells have similar biochemical needs to a bacteria or yeast cell. Foods that have a shelf life of millennia are not going to nourish the body. Think about it: if bacteria are not interested in your food, then what makes you think that your body cells are interested? Foods that cannot begin (sprouting) or sustain (bacterial growth) life elsewhere will have a similar effect in your body.

Cancer Fighting Diet Foods
Dishes should be easy to clean. Foods that are hard to digest or unhealthy will probably leave a mess on plates and pots. Dairy curd, such as fondue, is both difficult to clean and very difficult for your stomach to process. Same thing with fried, greasy or burned foods.
Difference between surviving and thriving. Humans have survived car crashes at 200 miles per hour, falling out of jet. planes without a parachute from five miles up, being fired out of cannons, inhumane treatment in prisoner of war camps, multiple gunshot wounds and a metal shaft fired cleanly through the head. While some people can survive a half century of smoking, no one thrive in it.
Alcoholics can tolerate a suicidal lifestyle for decades. However, their body and mind suffer and age rapidly in the process. None of these feats is good for the human body. Yet our tenacity is oftentimes our undoing. We assume that a diet that does not immediately kill us must be good for us. Not so.
Health and performance increase with increasing nutrient take, until a plateau is reached. In pharmaceutical terms, there appears to be a “dose-dependent” response curve with the health benefits of many nutrients.
Miracles of Cancer Fighting Foods
Miracles are happening all around us. In our body, in our garden, throughout nature. You are a part of those miracles. And we must do our part to keep those miracles possible. We use optimal nutrition as your joint partnership in your health. The above program is easy, cheap, and will magnify your health beyond your imagination.
Nutrition and cancer: A review of the evidence for an anti-cancer diet