EnergyGut HealthHealth

Overcome Metabolic Disorders

Wrapping your mind around the problem of poisons in our environment can be daunting and depressing. It is also essential and empowering.
Steps to take in cleaning up your body and surroundings and overcoming metabolic disorders.

  1. Go natural or basic. Avoid exotic skin creams, makeup, shampoo, etc. Use stainless steel cookware. Avoid Teflon. Use kitchen implements with no coating, such as glass or Corelle. Avoid ceramics made overseas. They might contain lead in the glazing. Keep your accessories, tools, and toys simple and non-toxic.

  2. Create a sanctuary at home. Safeguard your home and surroundings. Avoid Roundup. Be careful using pesticides, etc. Install hardwood or tile flooring. Carpets are a magnet for dust and mold. Use beeswax or soy candles sparingly, since petroleum-based candles emit toxins.

    Liver Toxicity Symptoms

  3. Food supply. Go organic or “no spray” whenever possible. Rinse produce before consuming. Buy free range or cage free meat and eggs. Use grass fed beef and dairy products. Avoid fake food. If you cannot pronounce or recognize the ingredients on the food label, then avoid it. Avoid trans fats, hydrogenated fats.

  4. Detoxify your gut. Drink plenty of water. Eat plenty of fiber. Have a daily well-formed bowel movement. Use yogurt or other fermented foods to inoculate your gut with friendly bacteria. Take probiotic supplements. Avoid all but the most essential antibiotics. They carpet bomb your gut and purge friendly bacteria.

Detoxify your liver. Silymarin, lipoic acid, selenium, vitamin C and E are beginning steps to insure your liver is up to the challenge of detoxing your body.

Sweat. Use a sauna or jacuzzi or just sweat while exercising. Use a far infra red sauna to augment a general cleansing.

Avoid consuming general toxins, like tobacco, unnecessary prescription drugs. Breathe air that is clean. Buy a HEPA room air purifier.

Drink green tea often. One of the more universal antioxidant, anti-aging, detoxifying, anti-inflammatory substances on earth.

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Be aware of the sea of electro-magnetic fields (EMF) that surround us. Wifi, Blue Tooth, AM, FM, 5G, microwaves, and much more. Buy an EMF meter to determine “hot spots” in your home and office. Minimize your EMF. Turn off the wifi in your home at night.

Spend more time in nature. Put down the cell phone and take a walk. You will be surprised how relaxing it is to walk in silence in the beauty of nature.

There is an abundance of evidence showing that stress and toxins are the beginning of many health problems in modern society.

– The more pollutants in your body, the greater your risk for diabetes.
– The more pollutants in your body, the greater the risk for heart disease.
– The more pollutants in your body, the greater the risk for Alzheimer and Parkinson.

The National Institutes of Health spends $42 billion/yr of your tax dollars seeking magic bullet cures as patented drugs for our dazzling assortment of health ailments, when cleaning up our bodies and planet is the beginning step for many people.

You can take a bucket of nutrition supplements and join a gym, then find the best integrative doctor for your health. Yet, often the beginnings of real healing starts with cleaning up your body and relaxing your mind. The answers to our modern health dilemmas are often quite simple and can help overcome metabolic disorders.

Part 1 of a 3 part series

Part 1 of 3 – Overcome Metabolic Disorders

Part 2 of 3 – Immune System Functions

Part 3 of 3 – Vitamins to Help the Immune System

Excerpted from 12 Keys to a Healthier Cancer Patient

Dr. Patrick Quillin

Dr. Patrick Quillin, PhD,RD,CNS is an internationally recognized expert in the area of nutrition and health. He has 30 years experience as a clinical nutritionist, of which 10 years were spent as the Vice President for a leading cancer hospital system where he worked with thousands of cancer patients in a hospital setting. He is a Best Selling Author with 18 books which have sold over 2,000,000 copies and also a Keynote Speaker.

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